Kybella Melts Your Double Chin: Here's How

If you have a double chin, you’re one of the other 70 percent of Americans who have one too. You’re far from alone, but that doesn’t change how much you may dislike this unwanted excess baggage. Whether your double chin is the result of your lifestyle, diet, or genetics, you don’t need to live with it any longer. Enter, Kybella.

The FDA has approved the first-ever injectable designed to melt away a double chin. Kybella is impressive and provides permanent results so many patients are coming into Bougie Aesthetics asking to learn more.

Keep reading for Kybella FAQs and to see if this fat-burning treatment is right for you. 

What is KYBELLA and how does it work?

Kybella is deoxycholic acid. This is actually a natural substance that your body produces and uses to break up and absorb fat, so Kybella is just the man-made version.

FDA-approved, Kybella is a prescriptive injectable that’s perfectly safe when administered by a professional injector. It drastically improves the facial profile by permanently eliminating moderate to severe fullness. Yes, the results are permanent, unlike other aesthetic injectables like neurotoxins or fillers.

Once injected, Kybella immediately gets to work to begin dissolving fat cells at the source. It was formulated to tackle double chins, but it can be injected into other areas of the body like the buccal area (cheek fat) and bra area.

What can I expect from a Kybella treatment?

During your procedure, Kybella begins working the moment it’s injected. However, patients usually need 3-4 weeks to notice visible results.

Patients should expect to need 2-6 rounds of Kybella injections, depending on their amount of fullness. Kybella appointments are spaced one month apart, but once you’ve achieved your desired results, you’re done! You can go on and enjoy a double-chin-free life forever.

Kybella doesn’t demand any recovery or downtime but many patients do experience serious swelling of the treated area. This should only last for 24-72 hours and can be reduced with ice compresses. It’s also normal to feel a burning sensation for a few days post injections. But, that’s just Kybella doing its job. We always remind patients that a few days of burning and swollen neck is much less invasive (and much safer!) than your surgical alternatives like liposuction. 

Is Kybella right for me? 

During a consultation, we can discuss if Kybella is right for you. We’ll assess your profile and level of fullness and be honest about whether we think this injectable will serve you best.

If you have tried eliminating a double chin through diet and exercise and have gotten nowhere, then Kybella could be a great solution. Because Kybell is FDA-approved and made of a naturally occurring substance, it’s safe for most of our Texas patients.

Contour A Sharper Profile with Kybella & Dermal Fillers

There are 9 ways that we commonly use dermal fillers to enhance patient profiles from cheek pops to chin augmentations. With the fat-burning power of Kybella, one can slim down unwanted fat deposits then enhance other features with filler. This can create an even sharper jawline or more pronounced chin. Men especially are drawn to this combination because it contours a more masculine-looking jawline.

Book an Appointment at Bougie Aesthetics for Kybella in Fort Worth

You shouldn’t feel self-conscious about your double chin or unwanted fat deposits. We want our patients to feel and look their absolute best! Thankfully, Kybella can help. Book a free consultation at Bougie and let’s just chat it out. We’ll address any concerns you have and answer any questions with full transparency. Patients should feel confident about themselves and the decisions they make aesthetically. We’re here for you.



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