Mid-Face Fillers are Here For DFW Men & Women

Face starting to show your age? Mid-face fillers can help restore that youthful glow!

As we age, we don’t just get fine lines and wrinkles, our skin actually starts to lose volume. The middle part of the face - which includes the area under the eyes, the nose, the cheeks, and even the area above the mouth, is one of the first areas to show signs of aging. Dermal fillers are becoming the most popular treatment for DFW men and women who are bothered by signs of aging in the mid-face. Mid-face fillers address both volume loss and pesky wrinkles that pop up in this central area of the face.

Why Does Skin Lose Volume as We Age?

The loss of volume in our faces as we age is a natural process that happens to everyone. As we get older, our skin becomes thinner and less elastic. The fatty tissues below the skin decrease, and bone reabsorption occurs. All of these factors combine to cause a loss of volume in the face, which can result in wrinkles, sagging skin, and a general loss of youthful appearance. To counteract this effect, many people opt for facial fillers to restore lost volume.

What are Dermal Fillers and How Do They Restore Volume?

Dermal fillers are a popular choice for restoring volume to the face, especially in the mid-face area. They are made of substances that are similar to those found naturally in the body, such as hyaluronic acid. Fillers can help plump up areas that have lost volume due to aging or weight loss. Since they fill out the area they're injected into, they can also be used to improve the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.

Dermal Fillers and Collagen Production

Collagen and elastin are naturally occurring in the body and they're responsible for the smooth texture, strength, and elasticity of younger skin. As we age, though, our body produces less and less of these vital proteins, leading to those common aging issues like:

  • Thinning skin

  • Fine lines and wrinkles

  • Sunken cheeks

  • Hollows beneath the eyes

The good news is that some dermal fillers, like Radiesse and Sculptra, not only fill out areas of the face that have lost volume, but also boost your body's collagen production. We call these "biostimulatory" fillers, and they lead to longer filler results and more youthful-looking skin.

Fillers are King When it Comes to Sunken Tear Troughs and Cheeks

Are you noticing more hollowing under your eyes? Are your cheeks looking more sunken in with every passing year? These are common conditions that we see in patients between the ages of 35 and 55, and they can be improved with dermal fillers. Hollowing under the eyes, or sunken tear troughs can make you look tired and aged. But fillers can help restore volume to this area and give those sultry eyes a more youthful appearance. Sunken cheeks can also be filled out with dermal fillers and, with regular treatments, these areas will become plumper and you'll notice an improvement in how rested you look overall.

What to Expect During Filler Treatments

Many patients want to know how dermal filler treatments are performed. It's understandable, especially if you've never received injectable treatments before. Prior to your treatment, we will consult with you about your beauty goals and how best to treat them using dermal fillers. In general, it takes up to 30 minutes per area treated with filler injections but often takes less time than that. Fillers can be used to target specific areas, such as the cheeks, nasolabial folds (lines around the mouth), or lips, and multiple areas can be treated in one session. Some people may also use filler treatments on other parts of their body, such as aging hands.

How Long Do Fillers Last?

Unfortunately, dermal fillers aren't permanent. Typical results can last anywhere between 6 to 12 months, and that length of time depends on the type of filler, where it's placed, and how quickly your body metabolizes it. In general, those fillers that contain hyaluronic acid tend to produce faster results, but biostimulatory fillers are the ones that typically last the longest. There are some fillers that can last up to two years or more.

Ready to Restore Mid-Face Volume in Fort Worth, TX?

A gorgeous glow is always in style, but the years are, unfortunately, not kind to our skin. If you’re ready to claim back that young, firm skin you had in your 20s, Bougie Aesthetics wants to help! Give us a call or book a consultation to discuss which dermal fillers are right for your beauty goals.

Fillers in Fort Worth, Texas


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